The topic for our work this year is Inner Alchemy.
Alchemy is an ancient tradition that can be traced through many cultures to describe a magical process for the refinement and union of forces to create a higher vibrational result.
Referred to as the Magnum Opus by alchemists, this process, often represented as transforming the density of lead into the purity of gold, can be used as a metaphor for inner spiritual development.
This years’ work will investigate the principles of alchemical transformation, defining the psychological steps that transform the density of our ego into a more enlightened state … a journey for the refinement of our soul.
The Philosophers Stone
The Philosophers Stone is a mythical alchemical process capable of turning base metals such as mercury into gold and is symbolised by this diagram.
Esoterically, it symbolises the transformation of the self.
This is what is known as the “Great Work”.
** The principles of these symbols and how they relate to the work of Inner Alchemy will be covered and referenced throughout our journey into the inner self.
4 archetypal elements.
According to Alchemy, everything in existence comprises 4 archetypal elements.
These are Fire, Earth, Water and Air.
The myriad ways the 4 elements combine determines the nature of all things, both physical and non-physical, including even human nature.